Thursday, June 14, 2007

In pursuit of coolness (written by Ehsan Ehsani)

Oh come on, Everything has become so repetitive: Every day I come to the center, which is still blue (like it has always been), see Alejandro sitting there trying to maximize firm's value by ordering less (like he has always been trying to do so) and sit down to write another post for (Like I have always been doing since 730 days ago)!

I need to do something a bit different; something cool! Like watching the soccer match between Real Madrid and Barcelona, Going out for the fishing with Jarrod or being in Financial Times…

Well, unfortunately Barcelona and Real Madrid are not going to have a match in the near future and Jarrod won't let me into his boat (later Diego told me he doesn't have a boat either) so I decided to be in Financial Times, YES OK so from now, my target is to be in Financial Times :)

The reason for choosing this as a cool thing was that Financial Times is the best cool financial newspaper in the world and it's really hard to get into that (because it's cool to be quoted there or write there) and also all the people who are working or commenting in its articles are really COOL PEOPLE so that must be a really cool thing.

Today Gemma was here and I almost made her crazy by telling her every 30 minutes how cool it would be to be in FT and how I liked to accomplish this cool goal.

Alejandro almost wanted to slam me in the face; he politely tried to remind me that I should forget about such cool ambitions, try to be realistic and leave him alone so that he can focus on maximizing firm's value by ordering less, but I just can't help it…

Tonight, the goddamn weather is hot, there are lots of mosquitoes around but instead of mosquitoes, I wanted Mario to be around so that we can go together to Canterbury (like we have always been going) and enjoy a nice COOL glass of Franciskanner.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

ZLOG 2006-2007